
Friday, July 11, 2008

Book Recommend

白羊座 - 奇妙的N次相遇
射手座- 1200光速风暴
金牛座 - 非凡优等生
双鱼座 - 降D调禁区
This four book I recommend is a part of the collection. Is a set of 12 books representing 12 different zodiac. Libra, Gemini, Virgo, Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. So far I've only collected this four book, and trying really hard to find my zodiac - Gemini, but it seems that not all Popular sells this book. So far i only know that 1Utama and Amcorp mall and IOI mall has it. but neither 1 has this Gemini book. Each book sells at RM9.90, is bloody cheap and worthy. So get your hand on it especially the Taurus book 金牛座. I bet after you read it you will cry. It has a very sad ending. But is a very nice story.
~*~ Life is just about Gossiping ~*~

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